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Sinopsis : Bia, mother of one daughter, comes to Komodo for solitude. Her suitcase is full of clothes from upscale designers, as well as self development books that actually he had memorized by rote. He chose the island because of longing for an alternative world under the sea. Bia has not dive for a long time. Since giving birth to her child, she even stopped going to the sea. Indi, has a fiance who interpret that love is commitment. She has a couple of dives in Komodo. That sea which she chose as her final dive spot before marriage. Maria, a free diver from the coast of North Sulawesi, is working at a resort on the island Sebayur, as a tour guide for the last year. Since abandoned by his boyfriend two years ago, Maria always put the blame on her body. According to her, that’s the reason why her boyfriend had an affair and left her. Labuan Bajo is the meeting place for Bia, Indi, and Maria. For seven days, six nights they live in the boat.
Genre : Drama
Director : Lola Amaria
Actors : Kelly Tandiono, Nadine Chandrawinata, Ramon Y. Tungka, Ully Triani
Country : Indonesia
Duration : 
Quality : HDTV
Release : 2017

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  • Subtittle Indonesia : Download
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Download Film Labuan Hati HDTV 2017

Sinopsis : Bia, mother of one daughter, comes to Komodo for solitude. Her suitcase is full of clothes from upscale designers, as well as self development books that actually he had memorized by rote. He chose the island because of longing for an alternative world under the sea. Bia has not dive for a long time. Since giving birth to her child, she even stopped going to the sea. Indi, has a fiance who interpret that love is commitment. She has a couple of dives in Komodo. That sea which she chose as her final dive spot before marriage. Maria, a free diver from the coast of North Sulawesi, is working at a resort on the island Sebayur, as a tour guide for the last year. Since abandoned by his boyfriend two years ago, Maria always put the blame on her body. According to her, that’s the reason why her boyfriend had an affair and left her. Labuan Bajo is the meeting place for Bia, Indi, and Maria. For seven days, six nights they live in the boat.
Genre : Drama
Director : Lola Amaria
Actors : Kelly Tandiono, Nadine Chandrawinata, Ramon Y. Tungka, Ully Triani
Country : Indonesia
Duration : 
Quality : HDTV
Release : 2017

Download Film In Here : 
  • Resolusi Film 480p : Download
  • Resolusi Film 720p : Download
  • Resolusi Film 1080p : Download
  • Subtittle Indonesia : Download
Contact Admin :
  • Instagram : @elangblog
  • WhatsApp : +62853 3549 9381
  • Grup WhatsApp : Link
Cara Download :
  1. Klik tombol Download
  2. Kemudian cari tombol Visit Link
  3. Lalu tunggu selama 5 Detik
  4. Kemudian klik tombol Get Link
  5. Maka anda akan sampai ditempat yang anda inginkan, dan jika bukan tempat yang anda inginkan coba anda tekan kembali dan ulangi tombol Get Link, Semoga sukses

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