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Sinopsis : Athirah’s life is shattered when another woman enters her husband’s life. In a time and cultural background where polygamy is still widely accepted, Athirah struggles alone with the hurt and humiliation.
Genre : Drama
Director : Riri Rizs
Actors : Andreuw Parinussa, Arman Dewarti, Christoffer Nelwan, Cut Mini Theo, Indah Permatasari, Nino Prabowo, Tika Bravani
Country : Indonesia
Duration : 73 Menit
Quality : WEB-DL
Release : 2016
IMDB : 8.8

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Download Film Athirah WEB-DL 2016

Sinopsis : Athirah’s life is shattered when another woman enters her husband’s life. In a time and cultural background where polygamy is still widely accepted, Athirah struggles alone with the hurt and humiliation.
Genre : Drama
Director : Riri Rizs
Actors : Andreuw Parinussa, Arman Dewarti, Christoffer Nelwan, Cut Mini Theo, Indah Permatasari, Nino Prabowo, Tika Bravani
Country : Indonesia
Duration : 73 Menit
Quality : WEB-DL
Release : 2016
IMDB : 8.8

Download Film In Here : 
  • Resolusi Film 480p : Download
  • Resolusi Film 720p : Download
  • Resolusi Film 1080p : Download
  • Subtittle Indonesia : Download
Contact Admin :
  • Instagram : @elangblog
  • WhatsApp : +62853 3549 9381
  • Grup WhatsApp : Link
Cara Download :
  1. Klik tombol Download
  2. Kemudian cari tombol Visit Link
  3. Lalu tunggu selama 5 Detik
  4. Kemudian klik tombol Get Link
  5. Maka anda akan sampai ditempat yang anda inginkan, dan jika bukan tempat yang anda inginkan coba anda tekan kembali dan ulangi tombol Get Link, Semoga sukses

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